需要看医生,但找不到时间? Many primary care, urgent care, 和 specialty care visits may be eligible for telehealth! 了解更多关于远程医疗的选择 在这里. 


十大正规网赌软件提供全方位的选修课, 每天24小时提供紧急和紧急程序, 一周七天. The main operating suite consists of 21 operating rooms—including two robot-assisted surgery suites—和 is capable of h和ling all types of surgery; nearly 1000 surgeries are performed monthly. 除了, our Special Procedures Care Unit (SPCU) is designed for less complex procedures that do not require an overnight stay. 了解更多关于门诊或住院手术的准备

十大正规网赌软件被认可为机器人手术卓越中心来自 外科评论公司. Status as an accredited Center of Excellence means that Valley has met nationally 和 internationally recognized st和ards. 在下面的十大正规网赌软件了解更多关于机器人手术的信息. 



谷的 一般 & 专科外科门诊 外科医生是…的一部分 乳腺多学科诊所(MDC) 团队. The MDC brings providers from different specialties together to collaborate with each patient to design a coordinated, comprehensive 和 personalized plan of care using nationally recognized best practice guidelines. 


  • 乳房切除术
  • 保乳手术“乳房肿瘤切除术”



The cardiac electrophysiology (EP) service at Valley provides care for people with electrical issues of the heart, 比如心律不齐, 也被称为 心律失常. 虽然感觉自己的心怦怦直跳并不罕见, 比赛, 或者跳过一个节拍, 有些心律失常不会引起问题, 而其他人则需要治疗. 在十大正规网赌软件,我们很自豪地提供 electrophysiology, allowing us to both diag鼻子 和 treat electrical issues of the heart in our state-of-the-art EP lab. Experienced physicians 和 staff use the latest techniques to diag鼻子 和 treat heart 心律失常s, 如 心房纤颤即心房纤颤. We use advanced 3D mapping 和 imaging technologies, helping get heartbeats back in sync through 心脏消融术,植入式装置,如 心脏起搏器 or 植入式心律转复除颤器 (icd)和其他治疗方法. 


从评估到救生程序, 当病人最需要我们的时候, 我们这里有最先进的设备 心导管检查 实验室. Some types of heart disease improve with minimally invasive interventional procedures to open blocked vessels in the heart 和 restore blood flow. 常见的程序包括: 血管成形术心血管支架 和 血栓愿望.

阅读更多关于 心 & 十大正规网赌软件的血管服务. 

Colorectal surgeons treat benign 和 malignant conditions using minimally invasive 和 robotic techniques. 这些条件包括:

- Anorectal Concerns: 直肠 bleeding, rectal pain, hemorrhoids, fistulas, 和 fissures

了解更多关于十大正规网赌软件的信息 结直肠外科门诊

黛比的故事:结肠癌治疗. 罗伯茨博士. 伯尼尔

我们的 内分泌外科医生 is one of very few fellowship-trained 内分泌外科医生s in Washington state, specializing in surgical care for benign 和 malignant disease of the thyroid, 甲状旁腺和肾上腺.


十大正规网赌软件的耳朵,鼻子 & 喉科(耳鼻喉科)诊所医生, 耳鼻喉科专家, are specially trained to diag鼻子 和 medically 和 surgically treat disorders of the ear, 鼻子, throat 和 related structures of the head 和 脖子 in both children 和 adults.

常见的程序包括治疗皮肤损伤(面部癌症), 脖子, 头皮)和声带结节, 鼻窦手术和甲状腺手术. 了解更多关于 十大正规网赌软件耳鼻喉科诊所. 


  • 内窥镜超声(欧盟)
  • 内镜逆行胆管造影术 (ERCP)
  • 腔内支架置入和内镜下粘膜切除术(EMR)

了解更多关于 十大正规网赌软件胃肠病诊所. 

谷的 general surgeons perform a variety of common surgical procedures, 包括疝气手术(开放和腹腔镜), 抗反流手术, 胆囊切除术(胆囊切除), 切除软组织肿块, 许多不同的癌症治疗方法, 和更多的.

了解更多关于 谷的一般 & 专科外科门诊

DocTalk |了解疝气| Wayne Lau, MD,普外科



谷的 gynecologic oncology specialists treat cancers that affect a woman's reproductive tract including:

  • 子宫、子宫内膜癌
  • 卵巢癌/输卵管癌/原发性腹膜癌
  • 子宫颈癌
  • 外阴和阴道癌
  • 怀疑为恶性的附件(卵巢)肿块
  • Risk-reducing surgery for women at increased risk of developing malignancy secondary to 在这里ditary syndromes


DocTalk | Cervical Cancer Screening Explained | Jennifer Burzawa, MD, Gynecologic Oncologist


十大正规网赌软件妇女保健 staff includes gynecologic physicians 和 surgeons experienced in minimally-invasive 和 robotic surgery approaches. 程序包括 子宫切除术盆腔重建手术; 肌瘤切除术子宫肌瘤栓塞子宫肌瘤射频消融术; 输卵管结扎手术子宫内膜消融 和 子宫镜检查.


DocTalk |了解子宫肌瘤| Eric Schmit, DO & Olga Valieva, DO

谷的 联合中心 是太平洋西北地区第一个专门的关节置换中心吗. 关节中心和它的外科医生, nurses 和 therapists are leaders in adopting the latest technology 和 recovery techniques for this rapidly changing area of medicine. 手术包括:


  • 膝关节置换
  • 髋关节置换手术
  • 肩膀替换
  • 肩膀 & 肘
  • 手 & 手腕
  • 脚 & 脚踝

Valley’s neurosurgery 团队 provides surgical treatment of illnesses of the brain, 脊髓, 中枢和周围神经系统, featuring state-of-the-art image-guided surgery 和 stereotactic radiosurgery.

阅读更多关于 十大正规网赌软件神经外科.


从检查到治疗, 矫形与外科, 足部医疗诊所 physicians are skilled in h和ling the foot 和 脚踝 needs of adults 和 children.

Common procedures include treatment of bunions 和 arthritis of the first toe joint (1st MTP). 了解更多关于十大正规网赌软件的信息 足部医疗诊所

We are proud to offer robotic surgery capabilities as part of 十大正规网赌软件's full range of elective, 提供紧急和紧急手术服务. 十大正规网赌软件医院每月进行近1000例手术, 和 our main operating suite includes two dedicated robot-assisted surgery suites.


The 脊柱中心 brings together neurosurgeons 和 orthopedic surgeons who specialize in the treatment of upper back, 下背部和颈部受伤. One of the first groups in the Pacific Northwest to use vertebral disc replacement as an alternative to spinal fusion, 我们的神经外科医生在这项先进技术方面经验丰富.


  • 减压椎板切除术治疗狭窄
  • 椎间盘突出的椎板切除术和椎间盘切除术
  • 颈椎后路和前路融合术治疗椎间盘问题
  • 单级和多级阀瓣更换
  • 不稳定或脊髓受压

此外, 脊柱中心 is one of the few medical centers in the Seattle area to offer cervical disc replacement as an alternative to spinal fusion. This procedure treats symptoms 如 arm pain or weakness caused by degenerative disc disease in the 脖子, 同时保持颈部的活动.

泌尿外科门诊 physicians offer minimally invasive treatment options for both male 和 female patients 和 are specialists in endoscopic, 腹腔镜和机器人手术. 他们专门治疗肾结石, 前列腺良性手术, 治疗尿失禁, 前列腺的手术治疗, 膀胱, 还有肾脏肿瘤.

了解更多关于十大正规网赌软件的信息 泌尿外科门诊. 

谷的 urogynecology providers utilize a comprehensive range of conservative 和 management options for pelvic organ prolapse, 尿incontience, 另一种盆底疾病. 


  • 阴道重建 
  • 机器人辅助血管固定术
  • 压力性尿失禁的外科治疗

了解更多关于 十大正规网赌软件妇女保健

谷的 vascular surgery 团队 provides comprehensive care for conditions involving the arteries 和 veins throughout the body. 我们的 specialty-trained surgeons are experienced in both minimally invasive procedures 和 complex surgeries 和 are supported by state-of-the-art resources at VMC, including a hybrid operating room 和 the latest endovascular technologies.

Common conditions treated by our vascular surgeons include peripheral arterial disease 和 varicose veins. 更多信息,请访问我们的 血管 & 血管内服务页面


在这个视频中,Dr. 麦家廉回答了以下问题:

0:13 |什么是深静脉血栓(DVT)?
0:43 深静脉血栓的症状是什么?
1:23 谁有患深静脉血栓的风险?
2:15 如何诊断深静脉血栓形成?
2:32 如何治疗深静脉血栓?
2:57 深静脉血栓可能的并发症有哪些?
3:42 深静脉血栓何时应该寻求治疗?

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